Gastronomy support

The complete all-round carefree package for your gastronomy business:

Patrick Art and his team manage to capture charm, character, emotion, atmosphere and culinary excellence through their trained eye and many years of experience. We create images that precisely reflect the pulse of your establishment and are tailored exactly to your requirements. But images alone are simply no longer enough to convince your customers in a world of ever-faster growing social media – you need to “catch” your customers interest! That’s why we offer you the possibility to design your complete internet presence. Our excellent team will photograph your food and locations in a way that will make your guests’ mouths water just by looking at the pictures. We will design a website for your business that will captivate your guests and give you the opportunity to present your menu in an appealing way, but also to present yourself, your establishment and the story behind it, thus arousing interest and creating a bond with your customers. Of course, we also design your personal logo, which reflects exactly what is important to you, and create and manage the social media channels of your establishment, so that your business always remains anchored in the minds of your customers and potential customers through perfectly timed and valuable content. Our all-round carefree package – customised for each of our clients according to their wishes – leaves no desires unfulfilled, but many mouths agape with appetite and amazement! With the right staging and a trained eye for detail, we make it possible to perfectly capture the mood from your restaurant, transfer it directly to your future guests and remind your existing clientele why they love your restaurant so much! Patrick Art is your perfect partner and will bring your restaurant to life through excellent imagery, appealing, coherent design and the addition of that certain something.

Gastronomy photography

The perfect package for your gastronomy business in Palma de Mallorca. Your gastronomy business – whether it’s a restaurant, café, bar or even a hotel – is a feel-good place for every guest and the ambience reflects precisely your concept. This is exactly what the images of your location must convey, because nowadays restaurant visits are largely decided by the visual persuasiveness and expressiveness. Therefore, it is all the more important to convey to your guests exactly what your location stands for. Patrick Art and his team manage to transfer the charm, character, emotion and mood of your establishment 1:1 into the visual language. We photograph in exactly your style, let the fine details shine, transfer the mood of your restaurant through perfect imagery and create an atmosphere that captivates your customers with the pictures and never lets them go.

Your cuisine is the heart of your restaurant. Your dishes have refinements that you have worked out with effort, your drinks have small specialities that are precisely harmonised and your coffee has the perfect roast? Then show that to the world! Our experienced team will photograph your food and drinks in a way that fits your establishment perfectly and will make your guests’ mouths water just by looking at the pictures. Patrick Art makes your food shine in the best light, without distorting your product in any way, so that the picture ends up being nothing like reality. We create fantastic, appetising and, above all, realistic images of your dishes that reflect exactly what they are supposed to reflect – your unique and wonderful creation captured in perfect images that fit your establishment, your style and your concept.

What’s the saying? The eye eats with you! – And as we all know, that’s definitely true. Our experienced and professional team will design menu cards for you that perfectly capture your style graphically and convince with a perfect design that is individually tailored to you and your establishment. We design signs for your gastronomy business that will catch everyone’s eye with their appealing design. In close consultation with you, we will either design a logo that fits in perfectly with your existing concept – both on the website and in your establishment itself – or we will work with you to create a completely new design for your own individual logo. We are also happy to design graphics for you that freshen up your website.
Patrick Art is your competent partner when it comes to combining culinary arts with design!


To showcase your gastronomic business even better, convey even more connecting emotions and provide insights, it is almost essential to include videographic elements on your website. With behind-the-scene elements from your kitchen or bar, you convey to your guests that they are a part of your restaurant and enable the connection between the artists in the background and the consumers in the dining room who enjoy your dishes. Mood videos from your restaurant make it possible to transfer the captured mood directly to the viewer of the video and thus unleash the extreme desire for exactly your restaurant. And as an added bonus, videos increase traffic via search engines by 160% and customers spend 80% more time on websites that provide video content. Patrick Art is your experienced partner for videography of your restaurant!

Online menus

In our ever more digitalised world, it is absolutely necessary for restaurants to make the products on offer visible via an online menu. It is now common practice for customers to find out about the food and drinks on offer on the internet before they visit the restaurant…and this is where it is really important for you to stand out from the crowd visually and convince them with an appealing design. Our skilled team designs virtual food and beverage menus for you that are in absolute symbiosis between perfect design and clear structure. We work closely with you to coordinate the graphics precisely with your concept and give your menu a design that customers will immediately associate with your establishment and that will be anchored directly in their minds. At the same time, we design your menu in a clearly structured and concise way so that it is easy to use and all information is quickly and easily accessible.


Does your restaurant, café or bar stand for quality and your passion for food and drink? Then it is all the more important that your internet presence matches your standard! Nowadays, people decide which restaurant to visit by searching on the Internet, and this is where you have to perform! Even if you offer the most excellent cuisine in your restaurant and mix the most fantastic drinks in your bar, you will never be able to realise your full potential without a good website. Because – how could it be otherwise – the first impression counts! And in today’s world, this impression is mainly made via the internet. We build a website that is precisely tailored to your wishes, that fits you, your concept and ideas, and that stands out from all other websites with its impressive design and clear structure in use, and that captivates with its unique and coherent design. As you have already seen in the previous sections, we can support you here with an all-round carefree package. From texts, sensational photos and VIdeos to graphics and logos, we build your website with you from scratch. Of course, we can also expand and/or overhaul your existing website, as well as provide complete support. Patrick Art is your professional partner when it comes to creating a website for your gastronomy that leaves nothing to be desired.

Social Media

Besides an appealing website, a professional and successful social media presence is almost a must for restaurateurs these days. Those who operate successfully on social media generate reach and those who generate reach generate clientele and those who generate clientele generate….well, you know that best! In a world of ever faster growing social media, good food and drinks are unfortunately simply no longer enough to convince guests to visit your very restaurant. You have to “catch” your customers and that works via the internet and especially via social media. But setting up a successful social media channel in addition to running your business is often simply not feasible, which is why Patrick Art and his team offer to create your social media channels from scratch and precisely tailored to you and your catering business, or look after and expand your establishment’s existing social media channels in the style you want, so that your business always remains anchored in the minds of your existing and new customers through perfectly timed content about your restaurant. Our experienced professionals harness the algorithms of the various social media platforms for you, know which texts and hashtags give your content maximum reach, post content at the perfect times and create content that gets users hooked on your very social media channels and your establishment!






